Autumn 1 Cross curriculum
to Class 1A and 1B
Year 1 Learning Gallery
Take a look to find out what our inquisitive Year 1 children have been doing throughout the year.
Half-Termly Curriculum Maps
Have a look at what our Year 1 will be learning about each term.
Autumn Half Term 1 |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Justice |
This half term’s British value is: Mutual Respect understanding that we all don't share the same values and beliefs. It is respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others. |
During this half term the children will be learning to:
* Represent, compare and explore numbers within 10 and 20 * Learn, practice and write number bonds 5 - 10 * One more and one less than any given number up to 20 * Doubling and Halving * Order numbers from smallest to largest and vice versa * Represent and explain addition and subtraction (commutativity/ addition and subtraction facts) * Identify, describe, sort and classify 2D and 3D shapes Vocabulary: number bonds, double, half, one more, one less, add, subtract, plus, minus, equal, altogether, compare, order, smallest, largest, 2D shapes: square, rectangle, circle, triangle, pentagon, 3D shapes: sphere, cube, cuboid, cylinder, cone, pyramid, prism |
English During this half term the children will be learning to…. Power of Reading text: 'Beegu' by Alexis Deacon (a story about an alien who crash lands on earth and is in search of her parents) * Character description * Infer what Beegu is speaking: speech bubbles * Lost poster * Poscard from Beegu to her parents * Create and describe a friend for Beegu * Role play as Beegu * Write a comforting letter to Beegu * Imagine and write about a world where Beegu comes from Vocabulary: Beegu, alien, spaceship, crashed, feelings, personality, appearance, thoughts, speech bubbles, character, angry, excited, sad, lost, hopeful, hopeless, describe, description, friend, poster, predict, role play, pretend, poetry, story map |
During this half term children will be learning:
* Plants - explore Autumn plants
Vocabulary: autumn, winter, spring, summer, seasons, seasonal plants, types, grow, growth, climate, flower, plants, stems, roots, leaves, water, sun |
Religious Education During this half term children will be learning to: * Creations: - Learn to recite and understand the meaning of the Nicene Creed - Retell the story of Creation (Genesis 1:1-4, 24-28) - Reflect on God's most beautiful world and how we care for it as 'stewards'. Vocabulary: God, creator, creations, Father Almighty, heaven, maker, earth, Nicene Creed, visible, invisible, Genesis, Old Testament, Bible, word, home, reflect, Pope Francis, Laudato Si, prayer, promise, stewards. |
Humanities: Geography The children will be learning: * Spatial Sense: In this unit, pupils will be exploring the concept of 'aerial view' and what that means. We will be at different classroom objects from an aerial view and exploring an aerial view of Heston. Pupils will also learn to use positional language such as near, far, close, closest, further away, furthest in relation to themselves in their classroom and more widely, thinking about the landmarks surrounding school. Pupils will therefore a signpost map about 'me' and 'school'. Pupils will get the opportunity to walk around the school in order to sketch and draw a map including all the key landmarks surrounding the infant building. Vocabulary: aerial view, signpost, map, near, far, further away, furthest, close nearby, next to, behind, local, landmarks, surrounding, around, above, compass, north, east, south, west, north-east, south-east, north-west, south-west |
Music The children will be learning:
* Charanga unit: 'Hey you' (Style: old school Hip Hop)
Topic and cross-curricular links: option to make up (compose your own rap or words to the existing rap), that could link to any topic in school, graffiti art, literacy, breakdancing or 80s Hip Hop culture in general. Historical context of musical styles.
Vocabulary: freestyle, rhythm, pulse, perform |
Art and Design The children will be learning about: * Spirals: - Children will draw from finger-tips, wrist, elbow, shoulder and body different types of spirals/ movements - Children will draw using a continuous line for a minute or two - Children will make different marks with different drawing tools: crayons, chalk, charcoal - children will create their own personal, creative scrapbooks by bending, cutting, folding and sticking different materials together Vocabulary: create, draw, spirals, mark, lines, continuous line, round, blend, pattern, structure, movement, growth, body, sound. |
Physical Education During this half term the children will be learning:
* Athletics: Pupils will develop an agility and co-ordination through jumping, throwing and running
Vocabulary: teamwork, independent work, floor work, agility, co-ordination, jump, throw, run, sprint, jog, dodge, hop, control, balance |
Autumn Half Term 2 |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Hope |
This half term’s British value is: Mutual Respect |
Mathematics During this half term the children will be learning to….
Vocabulary: |
English During this half term the children will be learning to…. (please include reading, writing ad grammar)
Vocabulary: |
Science During this half term children will be learning …
Vocabulary: |
Religious Education During this half term children will be learning to…
Vocabulary: |
Humanities: Geography The children will be learning ….
Vocabulary: |
Music The children will be learning….
Vocabulary: |
Art and Design The children will be learning about….
Vocabulary: |
Computing During this half term the children will be learning ….
Vocabulary: |
Modern Foreign Languages: Italian During this half term children will be learning to…
Vocabulary: |
Personal Social Health Education During this half term children will be learning about…
Vocabulary: |
Physical Education During this half term children will be learning to… Vocabulary:
Spring Half Term 1 | |
This half term’s Gospel Value: Generosity |
This half term’s British Value: Mutual Respect |
Mathematics During this half term the children will be learning about: * Shape (1 week): Learn the names and properties of 2D shapes (number of sides and corners) and 3D shapes and their properties (number of faces, edges and vertices). * Time (2 weeks): Learn to tell the time to o'clock and half past. Learn to use the correct vocabulary to tell times, such as weeks, names of months and years. Placing items in chronological order and using the appropriate vocabulary to describe events such as yesterday, today and tomorrow. * Exploring calculation strategies within 20 (1 week): to use knowledge of doubles to calculate near doubles, for example: 3 + 3 = 6, so 3 + 4 is (3 + 3) + 1= 7, Using number lines to add different numbers, i.e. 3 + 9 =, starting at 9 and counting on 3 more. * Numbers to 50 (2 weeks): sequencing numbers between 20 to 50 and identify missing numbers, to begin to recognise tens and ones in 2 digit numbers such as 16 is 1 ten and 6 ones, 23 is 2 tens and 3 ones.
During this half term the children will be learning about: * Writing & Reading: The Puffin Books of Fantastic poems: children will learn to recite different styles of poetry by heart and explore other poets such as Michael Rosen and Julia Donaldson. They will explore rhymes, imagery and repetition in poems. We will be looking at animal poems and shape poems. We will be creating our own poems using our senses: sight, hearing, taste, touch, feel.
* Grammar: capital letters, full stops, using ‘and’ to join sentences
* Daily phonics: Read write inc lessons will be conducted in specific groups covering a specific sound each day. Vocabulary: poems, verse, rhymes, rhyming, imagery, repetition, shape poems, animal poems, senses, capital letters, full stops, conjunction, and |
Science During this half term children will be learning about: * Animals including Humans (2 weeks): Learning about the 5 categories of animals (mammals, fish, birds, reptiles and amphibians) and able to name one or two examples of animals from each category, the difference between the diets of carnivores, herbivores and omnivores. * Seasonal Changes: Autumn and Winter (4 weeks): Learn about the four seasons of the year (Winter, Autumn, Spring, Summer).
Vocabulary: animal - a living thing mammal - has hair and drinks milk bird – has feathers, wings and beak fish – has scales, gills and fins. Lives in water reptile – has scales and lives on land amphibian – born in water but develops lungs as an adult and lives on land and water herbivore – an animal that eats only plants carnivore – an animal that eats only meat omnivore – an animal that eats plants and meat winter, spring, summer, autumn, weather, climate, season
Religious Education
During this half term children will be learning about: * Families and celebrations: children will be exploring the sacrament of Baptism and reflecting on their own Baptisms as a special occasion. They will be learning about the story of Jesus getting lost at the Temple. They will thinking about different types of celebrations within their own family and the Church family.
Vocabulary: family, love, help, special occasion, celebrations, Jesus, Temple, belonging, loss, lost, found, Church family, Sacrament, Baptism |
Humanities: Geography
The children will be learning about: * The UK – Human and Physical features: Learning about the 4 countries of the UK and their capital cities and the ocean/ seas surrounding the UK.
Vocabulary: countries, England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, 4 seas, Irish sea, North Sea, Celtic Sea, English, Atlantic Ocean, cities, London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast |
Music The children will be learning about: 'In the Groove' (Charanga programme) |
Art and Design
The children will be learning about: * Painting: Primary and Secondary colours
Vocabulary: paint, experiment, mix, shade primary colours: white, black, red, yellow, blue secondary colour: green, brown, purple, pink, grey |
During this half term the children will be learning about: * ILearn 2: Digital Art * ILearn2: Design * ILearn2: Text and Images |
Physical Education During this half term children will be learning about: * Athletics: Develop agility and co-ordination through jumping, throwing and running
Vocabulary: teamwork, independent work, floor work, agility, co-ordination, jump, throw, run, sprint, jog, dodge, hop, control, balance |
Personal Social Health Education
During this half term children will be learning about: * Created to Love others * Created to Live in Community
Vocabulary: friendship, love, relationships, special people, dilemma, problems, problem solving, treat others, sorry, apology, keeping safe, online safety, boundaries, community |
Spring Half Term 2 |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Forgiveness |
This half term’s British value is: Mutual Respect |
Mathematics During this half term the children will be learning about: * Shape Identify, describe, sort and classify 2-D and 3-D shapes •Investigate repeating patterns •Use and follow instructional and positional language * Time Read, write and tell the time to o’clock and half past on analogue clock •Sequencing daily activities •Whole and half turns linked to time * Exploring calculation strategies within 20 Model, explain and choose addition and subtraction strategies * Fraction Identify 1 /2 and 1/ 4 of a shape or object •Find 1 /2 and 1/ 4 of a quantity |
English During this half term the children will be learning about: * Reading: ‘The Dark’ by Lemony Snicket, illustrated by Jon Klassen (Synopsis: Laszlo is afraid of the dark. The dark lives in the same house as Laszlo but mostly it spends its time in the basement. It doesn't visit Laszlo in his room. Until one night it does. With emotional insight and poetic economy, Lemony Snicket and Jon Klassen bring to light a universal and empowering story about conquering fear. Join a brave boy on his journey to meet the dark, and see why it will never bother him again)
* Reading: book by other authors: ‘Coming to England’ by Floella Benjamin * Writing: we will engage in different types of writing such as · Description of the dark · Writing a narrative sequence retelling the story · A free-verse poem about the dark (or light) · Writing in thought or speech bubbles Piece of advice for Lazlo · Argument in defence of the dark or urging caution · Call and response poetry to reassure fears · Story based on known narrative – Lazlo’s viewpoint · Instructions to make a glow jar · Non-chronological report about nocturnal animals · Book review * Grammar: 1). Separation of words with finger spaces. 2). How words can combine to make sentences: joining words and joining clauses using ‘and.’ 3). Regular plural noun suffixes -s or -es (for example: dog, dogs, wish, wishes) including the effects of these suffixes on the meaning of the noun.
* Daily phonics
Science During this half term children will be learning about: * Everyday Materials • distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made • identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock • describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials • compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties
* Seasonal Changes: Autumn and Winter Vocabulary: materials, glass, plastic, wood, metal, fabric, polystyrene, cardboard, paper, properties, thin, thick, soft, hard, smooth, suitable, unsuitable, winter, spring, summer, autumn, weather, climate, season |
Religious Education During this half term children will be learning about: * ‘Following Jesus’ In this topic, we will learn: *How Jesus chose some of his first disciples (Lk 3 5:1 – 11) * Reflect on how we choose our friends * Know how Jesus taught his disciples to pray (Mt 6: 7 – 15) * Reflect on how we pray (especially during LENT) * Hear the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ * Reflect on the message it has for us as followers of Jesus * Hear the story of Jesus and his followers going into Jerusalem * Think of how we can show that we ‘welcome’ Jesus * Know that Jesus died on Good Friday but that this is not the end of the story * Reflect on the time of waiting before Easter Sunday. Vocabulary: disciples, friends, select, choose, taught, pray, prayer, Samaritan, priest, elders, message, follower, welcome, welcoming, Jerusalem, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, crucifixion, resurrection.
Vocabulary: |
Humanities: History The children will be learning about: * Kings and Queens In this History topic, we will be learning about: * What is a monarch? * Famous events * Elizabethan and Victorian achievements * How did Life change? * Queen Elizabeth II Vocabulary: monarch, monarchy, King, Queen, King Henry VIII, Magna Carta, Guy Fawkes, Gunpowder plot, 1665 Plague, Great Fire 1666, Industrial revolution, Queen Victoria |
Music The children will be learning about:
* Round and Round (Charanga programme)
Vocabulary: rhythm, repetition, beat, pulse, rhyme, verse, chorus, songs, sing |
Design and Technology The children will be learning about: * Food production: Making Fruit and Vegetable kebab Vocabulary: food, food safety, healthy eating, health, diet, ingredients, fruits, vegetables, peel, cut, slice, dice, hygiene, handling, wash, make, tools, skewers, bowl, knife |
Computing * ILearn2: Programming with Scratch Jr ScratchJr is an introductory programming language that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games. Children snap together graphical programming blocks to make characters move, jump, dance, and sing. Children can modify characters in the paint editor, add their own voices and sounds, even insert photos of themselves -- then use the programming blocks to make their characters come to life. Coding (or computer programming) is a new type of literacy. Just as writing helps you organize your thinking and express your ideas, the same is true for coding. In the past, coding was seen as too difficult for most people. But we think coding should be for everyone, just like writing. As young children code with ScratchJr, they learn how to create and express themselves with the computer, not just to interact with it. In the process, children learn to solve problems and design projects, and they develop sequencing skills that are foundational for later academic success. They also use math and language in a meaningful and motivating context, supporting the development of early-childhood numeracy and literacy. With ScratchJr, children aren't just learning to code, they are coding to learn. Espresso Unit 2A |
Physical Education During this half term children will be learning about: * Team Building: developing teamwork skills such as effective communication, turn taking, co-operating with others and taking on a specific role within a team, identifying own strengths and weaknesses
* Ball Skills: exploring rolling, kicking, throwing, catching, bouncing, dribbling and tracking
Vocabulary: team, team work, independent work, co-operating, roles, strengths, weaknesses, turn taking, rolling, kicking, throwing, catching, bouncing, dribbling and tracking |
Personal Social Health Education During this half term children will be learning about…
Vocabulary: |
Summer Half Term 1
This half term's Gospel value is: Courage |
This half term's British value is: Mutual Respect |
Maths The children will be learning about: * Fractions Identify one half of the shape, object and quantity Identify one quarter of the shape, object and quantity Identify half and quarter turns Vocabulary: whole, part, equal/ unequal, half, quarter
* Measurements Compare and measure lengths and mass using cm and kg Doubling and halving Vocabulary: centimetres, shorter, shortest, longer, longest, Kilograms, lighter, heavier * Numbers 50 to 100 and beyond Read, write, represent, compare and order numbers to 100. One more/ fewer, ten more/fewer. Identify number patterns
* Addition and subtraction Explore addition and subtraction within 2-digit numbers and ones Investigate numbers bonds within 20
English The children will be learning about: Reading: Power of Reading text ‘The Lonely Beast’ by Chris Judd * Writing and Speaking & Listening: · To discuss themes and issues that arise in this touching story, making connections with their own lives · To explore and develop ideas through talk and to listen to each other’s responses · To develop creative responses to the text through drama, play and artwork · To write in role in order to explore characters and events · To compose and perform own poetry · To write a short description of a character · To write a newspaper article in role as a fictional character · To write a short story following a known narrative * Grammar focus: * Regular plural noun suffixes –s or –es (for e.g. dog – dogs, wish – wishes) including the effects of these suffixes on the meaning of the noun. * Joining words and joining clauses using and
Science The children will be learning about: * Plants * Seasonal Changes (Spring to summer) Children learn about the structure of plants and trees and what they need to grow well. They will identify common plants and trees in the garden and in the wild, sorting deciduous and evergreen leaves. Children will plant and closely observe a seed’s growth. Vocabulary: seed, grow, conditions, water, soil, sunlight, deciduous, evergreen, wild plants, common plants, flowers, autumn, spring, summer, winter, changes, season, seasonal, months, year |
Religious Education The children will be learning about: * Resurrection · Know that we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at Easter and reflect on how we do · Know that Jesus rose from the dead on the first Easter Sunday · Know that Jesus appeared to the disciples in the Upper Room · Know that Jesus helped the disciples know that he was truly alive · Know that Thomas did not know that Jesus was alive · Know that Jesus returned to heaven after 40 days Vocabulary: Jesus, dead, death, crucifixion, Easter, Easter Sunday, Resurrection, alive, Good News, Upper Room, appearance, disciples, Thomas, heaven, 40 days |
Humanities: Geography The children will be learning about: * The seven continents: Africa, North America, South America, Australia, Europe, Asia, Antarctica, The Antarctic Ocean, The Pacific Ocean, The Southern Ocean, The Indian Ocean, The Arctic Ocean. Vocabulary: Earth, globe, continent, climate, southern hemisphere, northern hemisphere, ocean
Music The children will be learning about: * Charanga programme: ‘Your Imagination’ by Joanna Mangona and Pete Readman Children will listen and appraise the song ‘Your Imagination’ and other songs about using your imagination such as: ● Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious from Mary Poppins ● Pure Imagination from Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory soundtrack ● Daydream Believer by The Monkeys ● Rainbow Connection from The Muppet Movie ● A Whole New World from Aladdin |
Art and Design The children will be learning about: * Playful Making: children will be exploring the art and process of making and creating sculptures. |
Computing The children will be learning about: · ILearn2: Comic Creations (1 – 2 hours) · ILearn2: Music Creation (1 – 2 hours)
Physical Education The children will be learning about: * Gymnastics
Personal Social Health Education The children will be learning about: * Living in the Wider world
· Three in One: Through Lucy’s story, pupils will be introduced to the concept of the Holy Trinity and think about what the Holy Trinity means for them. This is a simple teaching that will be returned to with more complexity in later years.
· Who is my neighbour?: Through the story of The Good Samaritan, children will learn who their neighbour is – everyone! They will have an opportunity to reflect on what this means for them and their communities. |
Summer Half term 2 |
This half term’s Gospel value is: Responsibility |
This half term’s British value is: Mutual Respect |
Mathematics During this half term the children will be learning about: * Shape Identify, describe, sort and classify 2-D and 3-D shapes •Investigate repeating patterns •Use and follow instructional and positional language * Time Read, write and tell the time to o’clock and half past on analogue clock •Sequencing daily activities •Whole and half turns linked to time * Exploring calculation strategies within 20 Model, explain and choose addition and subtraction strategies * Fraction Identify 1 /2 and 1/ 4 of a shape or object •Find 1 /2 and 1/ 4 of a quantity
Science During this half term children will be learning about: * Everyday Materials • distinguish between an object and the material from which it is made • identify and name a variety of everyday materials, including wood, plastic, glass, metal, water and rock • describe the simple physical properties of a variety of everyday materials • compare and group together a variety of everyday materials on the basis of their simple physical properties
* Seasonal Changes: Autumn and Winter Vocabulary: materials, glass, plastic, wood, metal, fabric, polystyrene, cardboard, paper, properties, thin, thick, soft, hard, smooth, suitable, unsuitable, winter, spring, summer, autumn, weather, climate, season |
Religious Education During this half term children will be learning about: * ‘Following Jesus’ In this topic, we will learn: *How Jesus chose some of his first disciples (Lk 3 5:1 – 11) * Reflect on how we choose our friends * Know how Jesus taught his disciples to pray (Mt 6: 7 – 15) * Reflect on how we pray (especially during LENT) * Hear the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ * Reflect on the message it has for us as followers of Jesus * Hear the story of Jesus and his followers going into Jerusalem * Think of how we can show that we ‘welcome’ Jesus * Know that Jesus died on Good Friday but that this is not the end of the story * Reflect on the time of waiting before Easter Sunday. Vocabulary: disciples, friends, select, choose, taught, pray, prayer, Samaritan, priest, elders, message, follower, welcome, welcoming, Jerusalem, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, crucifixion, resurrection. |
Humanities: History The children will be learning about: * Kings and Queens In this History topic, we will be learning about: * What is a monarch? * Famous events * Elizabethan and Victorian achievements * How did Life change? * Queen Elizabeth II Vocabulary: monarch, monarchy, King, Queen, King Henry VIII, Magna Carta, Guy Fawkes, Gunpowder plot, 1665 Plague, Great Fire 1666, Industrial revolution, Queen Victoria |
Music The children will be learning about:
* Round and Round (Charanga programme)
Vocabulary: rhythm, repetition, beat, pulse, rhyme, verse, chorus, songs, sing |
Design and Technology The children will be learning about: * Food production: Making Fruit and Vegetable kebab Vocabulary: food, food safety, healthy eating, health, diet, ingredients, fruits, vegetables, peel, cut, slice, dice, hygiene, handling, wash, make, tools, skewers, bowl, knife |
Computing * ILearn2: Programming with Scratch Jr ScratchJr is an introductory programming language that enables young children (ages 5-7) to create their own interactive stories and games. Children snap together graphical programming blocks to make characters move, jump, dance, and sing. Children can modify characters in the paint editor, add their own voices and sounds, even insert photos of themselves -- then use the programming blocks to make their characters come to life. Coding (or computer programming) is a new type of literacy. Just as writing helps you organize your thinking and express your ideas, the same is true for coding. In the past, coding was seen as too difficult for most people. But we think coding should be for everyone, just like writing. As young children code with ScratchJr, they learn how to create and express themselves with the computer, not just to interact with it. In the process, children learn to solve problems and design projects, and they develop sequencing skills that are foundational for later academic success. They also use math and language in a meaningful and motivating context, supporting the development of early-childhood numeracy and literacy. With ScratchJr, children aren't just learning to code, they are coding to learn. Espresso Unit 2A |
Physical Education During this half term children will be learning about: * Team Building: developing teamwork skills such as effective communication, turn taking, co-operating with others and taking on a specific role within a team, identifying own strengths and weaknesses
* Ball Skills: exploring rolling, kicking, throwing, catching, bouncing, dribbling and tracking
Vocabulary: team, team work, independent work, co-operating, roles, strengths, weaknesses, turn taking, rolling, kicking, throwing, catching, bouncing, dribbling and tracking |
Personal Social Health Education During this half term children will be learning about: * Created to Love others: exploring Being Safe: * Identifying safe and unsafe situations * Good and Bad secrets * Physical contact (PANTS) *Harmful substances (Children will learn that: Medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are good for us. Alcohol and tobacco are harmful substances. Our bodies are created by God, so we should take care of them and be careful about what we consume) * Can you help me? (exploring different types of emergency 999 situations). Vocabulary: safe, safety, safe situations, unsafe situations, good, bad, secrets, physical contact, harmful substances, medicines, drugs) |
Parent Workshop
Year 1 Curriculum PowerpointHomework
Autumn 1 week beginning 30th September
Maths homework one more or less a
Maths homework one more or less b
Autumn 1 week beginning 7th October
Maths homework ordering numbers a
Maths homework ordering numbers b