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The Rosary Catholic Primary School

Who are the safeguarding leads?


We have a duty of care to the children in our school. This includes taking the necessary steps to safeguard them and promote their welfare. Parents and Carers please familiarise yourself with the school’s Safeguarding Policy, which you can view on our website. If you have any concerns regarding a safeguarding concern, please see one of the staff members below:

Miss Bass - Head of School - Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Shickle - SENDCO - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Mrs Cunningham - Executive Head Teacher - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Dodd - Assistant Head Teacher - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead


What is the role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead?


The role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead is to ensure that:

  • a robust safeguarding culture is embedded across the school
  • all safeguarding and policies and procedures are effective and adhered to fully a swift response to all concerns
  • that all policies and procedures regarding online safety are effectively implemented, including procedures for filtering and monitoring harmful websites and inappropriate content
  • regular and appropriate training is in place for all staff and volunteers in all aspects of safeguarding and how to respond to all concerns, including whistleblowing and low-level concerns
  • all pupils are empowered to recognise harmful risks and behaviours and know how to access support
  • a robust safeguarding curriculum is in place that teaches our children how to stay safe from all harmful behaviours and threats
  • parents are supported and have access to advice and information on keeping their children safe from all harmful behaviours and threats