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The Rosary Catholic Primary School


Religious Education

Social Moral Spiritual Cultural





At The Rosary Catholic Primary School, our pupils learn that they have a responsibility to humanity and its development and that successful ‘human connection’ is central to a world in which individuals can flourish. We encourage our pupils to work collaboratively and inclusively in both their academic studies and in all their social interaction. We teach them that forgiveness and understanding are central to the social prospering of society and that the values of the Gospel must be ‘lived.’

In our school, pupils learn that they are unique and have been created in love. They are encouraged to develop their God given talents through social participation in sports clubs and events e.g. borough athletics, dance club, judo, football club, and assume responsibility as Rosary Apostles, Junior Road Safety Officers, Eco School Council members, librarians and as Peer Tutors.

We encourage pupils to show kindness and compassion through our Angel Points system whereby rewards are given to pupils for displaying these qualities.

We teach our pupils how to develop loving, fulfilling and socially responsible relationships through our RSE programme.




At The Rosary Catholic Primary School we take seriously the moral call to work for the ‘common good’’. Our pupils learn that social justice and service to others is central to our Apostolic Mission and the moral responsibility of all.

Pupils understand how fundraising is central to Catholic social teaching. Charities are supported at local, national and international level during the season of Advent (a programme of Advent projects) and throughout the year (Cafod, MacMillan, St Paul’s Food Bank, the Poppy Appeal, Catholic Children’s Society, Mbabzi School, Mary’s Meals).

We also encourage our pupils to consider issues of morality through our RE programme and PSHE programme. We encourage pupils to reflect upon issues such as climate change e.g. in Year 3 pupils consider human impact on the planet in their topic of Perfect Planet? and to consider the follies of humanity e.g. the outbreak of World War 1 and its impact on humanity (Remembrance: 1914-1918, Year 6).





At The Rosary Catholic Primary School, the spiritual development of pupils is nurtured through regular liturgy, worship and reflection.  Prayer is a central part of the school day for pupils and staff. Pupil led Gospel assemblies, class assemblies and achievement assemblies focus upon the Word of God and reflection upon this teaching.

The richness of Catholic tradition is well planned and celebrated throughout the liturgical year. Opportunities are frequent for the Stations of the Cross, Benediction, Reconciliation, recitation of the Rosary, celebration of class and whole school Masses - In addition to this, all Church feasts are celebrated either in the parish church or within the school building i.e. holy days of obligation.

As we are named the Rosary school, we hold a special devotion to the Rosary prayer and ensure that pupils fully participate in activities associated with this every October. The grotto is used to celebrate the months of October and May. Pupils and parents are fully involved in the celebration of the Eucharist e.g. Holy Communion thanksgiving Mass at Corpus Christi.

The school recognises the vital links between home, school and parish We provide a half termly RE newsletter to inform parents of ways to help their child at home and prayers suggestions as well as providing families with a Prayer Box each week to encourage prayer and reflection in our children’s homes. 

Every classroom has a named saint so that as our pupils progress through the school, they learn the stories of the different saints and celebrate their feasts.




As British citizens, we ensure that our children have a sound understanding of British values. As a school situated in the United Kingdom (and more particularly in Hounslow) in the 21st century, we know that the celebration of diversity of culture is integral in educating our young people. Annually, we ensure that all pupils engage in a celebration of cultural diversity where they learn to appreciate differences in their cultural identity. We deliver a programme of study of other faiths across the school and visit places of worship such as the Gurdwara in Hounslow. We encourage and support families from other faiths in celebrating their beliefs with the wider school community e.g. Diwali is recognised each year: staff wear traditional clothing and the stories and traditions of Hinduism are shared with pupils.

We encourage our pupils to find joy in God’s creation from nature to music, from art to science. We use the chance to experience the museums and galleries of our immediate locality (Hounslow) and the wider locality of London as an opportunity to celebrate God’s presence in the richness of our culture.



21st Century World; 21st Century Learners