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The Rosary Catholic Primary School

 Prayer and Worship

At The Rosary we recognise the central role that prayer and worship plays in an active faith community and in all members of that community bearing witness to the Good News of the Gospels. Our parish priest, Fr Luigi, is a member of our school's governing body and plays a vital role in the sacramental and prayer life of the school. 

Through prayer and worship we give glory, honour, praise and thanks to God. It is important that our children understand that there is a purpose to prayer. We pray four times throughout the school day - at the beginning of the day, before lunch, after lunch and at the end of the day. We have EYFS, KS1 and KS2 prayers and each phase has their own book of prayers to learn and say together. 


Worship in Our School

‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’

John: 10:10

At the Rosary Catholic Primary School, we recognise the privileged position our staff hold in helping you, as parents, in the Catholic formation of your child. We aim to grow in faith with your child, guiding them, in partnership with you, to become people of compassion, resilience, responsibility and commitment in an ever changing world. We aim to guide your child in forming a life-long relationship with God; ‘to know Him more clearly and to love Him more dearly.’  

To this end, we ensure that prayer and reflection, celebration of the Word and an invitation to be a person of prayer and love, lay at the heart of all that we do.


Every Monday morning, we gather together to hear the Word of God at our Celebration of the Word gathering. Here, we are invited to listen, to pray and to ‘live’ our mission in the coming week.

Every Tuesday, we gather together to sing our praise. Song is an important means of worship and we are delighted to be able to welcome our choir leader from the Diocese of Westminster. We sound amazing!

Tuesday is also the day when we celebrate our class assemblies. Every assembly has a particular theme that celebrates our Catholic faith. Some examples are:

Parents join us and it is a wonderful way to celebrate our faith through music, prayer, drama and even poetry!

Every Thursday, we gather as a school family to celebrate the achievements of our children, realising the importance of ‘inspiring and encouraging one another to reach our true potential’ (our Mission Statement). We strive to be the best that we can be for the glory of God.

Aspire, Believe, Achieve:

Together in Christ

Every Friday, one child from each class has the privilege of taking home the class prayer box.

Our families are invited to pray together in their home; we believe that this is another wonderful way for our families to be part of our community of prayer.  

Our Prayer and Worship group meet weekly at lunch time. It is organised by our Rosary Apostles and we welcome particular year groups throughout the year so that by the end of the year, all year groups have been invited to attend. It is a wonderful opportunity for quiet prayer and reflection.

Our staff meetings are also rooted in prayer. Every week, when we gather together, we reflect upon the Gospel and reflect upon ways in which we can better guide and accompany our children on their faith journey. It allows us quiet reflection and meditation upon our vocational mission.


Rosary Prayer

Heavenly Father

Bless all the members of our school community as we serve you this day.
In prayer help us to know you better, to serve you better and to be a sign of your love to others.

Father, help us to remember that, together in Christ,
we aspire, we believe and we achieve.


Prayer Book

EYFS Prayer Book

KS1 Prayer BookLKS2 Prayer Book

UKS2 Prayer Book

Laudato Si

Caring for Our Common Home

Every day at The Rosary Catholic Primary School we respond to the Pope's call to care for the world which God has entrusted to us.

Children's Responses to the Pope

In Laudato Si, Pope Francis clearly states that our common home is being destroyed and that we, as humans, have dominion over the whole earth. We have to act now! There is no alternative planet. We are ignoring the Earth’s cry; we cannot continue like this. Time is running out and the solution is right in front of us: trees can help to save our planet but every day they are being mercilessly cut down. Greta Thunberg said at the United Nations Climate Summit that trees are our climate solution. Play your part. We have developed a speed of destruction that we could never have imagined. Make your voice count and stop this. We have to make our dream a reality so protect and restore nature. We spend thousands and thousands of pounds on fossil fuels rather than on developing natural resources. How can we hope for a future when we don’t know if there is one? Climate change affects us all but it is the poorest who suffer most.

 To Love You More Dearly


To Love You More Dearly