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The Rosary Catholic Primary School

Our Safeguarding Mission Statement

Aspire, Believe, Achieve: Together in Christ

Our Mission Statement

Together, as God’s children,

We realise our dreams,

inspiring and encouraging one another

to reach our true potential,

transforming our world

through our unique gifts


Our Safeguarding Mission Statement

Our culture of safeguarding is embedded and promoted with all stakeholders. We consistently work within the statutory guidance with a systematic and robust application of procedures. There is close liaison with staff responsible for Looked After Children and the SENDCo to ensure a coordinated approach to safeguarding vulnerable children and we are curious about the underlying needs and issues for children with poor behaviour, attendance or engagement.

We are committed to working with external agencies. There is a consistent focus on well-being and our relationship with Hounslow Early Help provision allows us to respond effectively and in a timely manner to support our children and their families. This means that all our children feel safe, confident, able to engage in education, and are supported to maximise their potential. We work closely with organisations such as the NSPCC and the Catholic Children’s Society to provide support where needed to our vulnerable families. As a result of our effective PSHRE education, our children acquire the skills and knowledge they need to keep themselves safe; they are prepared for life in Modern Britain. Our Anti Bullying Alliance is an outward sign of our children’s commitment to care for each other and to stand against any form of discrimination or victimisation. We ensure that our children are well informed about how to keep themselves safe online and how to remain vigilant when using the internet. We ensure that we teach our children from the earliest years about appropriate behaviour and conduct.

Our Governors are well informed about safeguarding in the school through termly reports and Governor on-site visits; we have Governor representation on our Safeguarding Committee.

Our established reporting system (CPOMs) helps to highlight any issues of concern and escalating need. Effective signposting means that students and parents understand where to receive help and support and our extensive liaison with external agencies ensures a cohesive approach to children’s safeguarding and wellbeing across our community.