Year Group Overviews
Curriculum Overview: Reception
Reception |
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
RE |
God’s World
Hinduism Stories: Rama and Sita |
God’s Family |
Sorrow and Joy |
Our Church Family |
Communication and Language |
Developing listening and attention skills Developing vocabulary through their play and transition times. Engage in story times. Learn rhymes and songs Join in discussion in small groups or 1:1 settings
Speak in simple sentences. Listen to and talk about stories. Talk about what they heard Using new vocabulary in different contexts
Speaking in detail and retelling events. Ask questions. Talk about why things might happen. Talk about their ideas and feelings, giving explanation. Speak in full sentences, using past, present and future tenses.
EYFS Module 1 Unit 1 Handmade with Love |
EYFS Module 1 Unit 1 I am me Heads, shoulders, knees and toes
EYFS Module 1 Unit 1 Ready Teddy? |
EYFS Module 1 Unit 3 I like, you like, we all like! Good feelings, bad feelings Let’s get real |
EYFS Module 1 unit 4 Growing Up |
EYFS Module 3 Unit 1 and 2 God is Love Loving God, Loving others Me, you, us |
PD |
Fine and gross motor development Hygiene routines/independence Healthy eating Multi-skills Pencil grip and scissor control
Fine and gross motor development Hygiene routines/independence Healthy eating Multi-skills Pencil grip and scissor control
Fine and gross motor development Hygiene routines/independence Healthy eating Multi-skills Pencil grip and scissor control
Get Set 4 PE Fundamentals: Unit 1 |
Get Set 4 PE Gymnastics: Unit 1
Get Set 4 PE Fundamentals Unit 2 |
Get Set 4 PE Dance: Unit 2 |
Get Set 4 PE Games 1/2 |
Get Set 4 PE Games 1 / 2 |
Key Texts
The Three Little Pigs |
The Gingerbread Man |
Goldilocks |
Little Red Riding Hood |
Jack and the Beanstalk |
Three Billy Goats Gruff |
Core songs, rhymes and poems Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Once I caught a Fish Alive The Wheels on the Bus Baa Baa Black Sheep Incy Wincy Spider Humpty Dumpty Row, Row, Row Your Boat Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes 5 Little Ducks Peter Rabbit had a Fly Upon His Nose Miss Polly had a dolly If you happy and you know it Hickory Dickory Dock Old McDonald The House of 3 Bears 1,2 Buckle my Shoe Pirate song There’s a worm at the bottom of my Garden Chop Chop Poem I Have a Little Turtle Poem
Poetry time (Read Write Inc) |
Bedtime March past |
Cake-O-Saurus |
Where am I ? |
The Tiger |
Oh Oh the story man |
Additional Texts
Super Duper Me
Pete the Cat –
Rocking in my school Shoes
In every house and on every street!
What is Autumn?
The Leaf Thief
Pumpkin Soup
Arghhhh Spider
Sparks in the Sky
Rama and Sita –
The Best Diwali Ever
The Nativity – The Story of Baby Jesus
Jack Frost
Blue Penguin
Chinese New Year
Lanterns and Firecrackers
The Sea of Tranquility
Look up!
Somebody Swallowed Stanley
Little Red Riding Hood
Three Little Pigs
Jack and the
Oliver’s Vegetables
Eddie’s Garden
Where oh Where is Rosie’s Chick?
Chicken Licken
The Hundred Decker Bus
Emma Janes Aeroplane
Commotion in the Ocean
Humanities |
Spatial Sense (geography focus)
Gunpowder Plot (history focus) |
The UK – Human and Physical Features (geography focus)
Kings and Queens (history focus) |
The 7 Continents (geography focus)
Exciting Explorers (history focus) Neil Armstrong |
Art /DT |
Art: Sculpture: pupils create natural and man-made sculptures; |
DT: Textiles Templates and |
Art: Painting: primary and secondary colours; s |
DT: Paddy Pirates Packed Lunch Problems (Food) (Twinkl) |
Art: Collage: using various materials to create shape, colour and texture; |
DT: Moving Pictures (Mechanisms/Construction) (Twinkl) |
PE |
Dance Copy, remember and repeat actions to represent a theme. Explore creating their own actions in relation to a theme. |
Fundamentals Explore balancing, sprinting, jogging, dodging, jumping, hopping and skipping With some control and balance |
Athletics Develop agility and co-ordination through jumping, throwing and running |
Gymnastics Explore travelling actions, shapes, balances, jumps barrel roll, straight roll, and forward roll progressions. |
Ball Skills Explore rolling, kicking, throwing, catching bouncing, dribbling and tracking
Net and Wall Games Explore throwing, catching hitting a ball and tracking a ball. |
Music |
Hey You! |
Rhythm in the Way We Walk and Banana Rap |
In the Groove |
Round and Round |
Your Imagination |
Reflect, Rewind and Replay |
Created and Loved by God |
Created to Love Others Created to Live in Community |
Living in the Wider World |
Drama |
Links to English Power of Reading 2 Bible stories |
21st Century World; 2st Century Learners
Year 1 Overview
Learning Overview: Year 1
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Gospel Value |
Justice |
Hope |
Generosity |
Forgiveness |
Courage |
Responsibility |
British Value |
Mutual respect |
Hinduism Stories: Krishna and Ganesh |
Judaism Stories: Abraham and Moses |
Key Texts
The Ant and the Grasshopper |
Jack and the beanstalk |
The Elves and the shoemaker |
Stone soup |
The Selfish Giant |
The Fisherman and the fairy |
Core songs, rhymes and poems I am a music man Oranges and lemons Doctor Foster She will be coming down the mountain Dingle dangle scarecrow Singing in the rain song 30 days has September This old man sing a long Ten fat sausages sizzling in a pan The pirate song sing along Boom chicka book the learning station Do your ears hang low Sing a song of sixpence Tongue twister This little light of mine There is a hole in my bucket dear Liza Knicky Knacky Knocky Knoo |
Poetry time (Read Write Inc) |
Brother |
If I were a hawk |
Granny, Granny please comb my hair |
I’ve got a cold |
The Monster under your bed |
The sound of music |
Power of Reading
Beegu Alexis Deacon |
Traction Man Mini Grey |
The Puffin Book of Fantastic Poems June Crebbin |
The Dark Lemony Snicket
The Lonely Beast Chris Judge
One Day on Our Blue Planet Ella Bailey |
Read aloud text |
Hair love by Matthew A.Cherry Spreading my wings Nadiya Hussain Poetry |
Year group recommended text |
My beautiful voice Joseph Coelho |
Coming to England by Floella Benjamin |
Yasmin The singer Sadia Faruqi |
Look up Nathan Bryon
John Agard’s Windrush Child John Agard |
Maths |
Numbers to 10, Addition and subtraction within 10, Shape and patterns, Numbers to 20, Addition and subtraction within 20 |
Time, Exploring calculation strategies within 20, Numbers to 50, Addition and subtraction within 20, Fractions Measures: Length and Mass |
Numbers 50 to 100 and beyond, Addition and subtraction, Money, Multiplication and division, Measures: Capacity and Volume |
Science |
Transition |
Seasonal Changes
Everyday Materials
Science Week |
Animals Including Humans
Computing |
Ilearn2 Mouse and Keyboard Skills |
Ilearn2 Digital Art Ilearn2 Design |
Ilearn2 E-safety Safer Internet Day |
Ilearn2 Text and images
Ilearn2 Cosmic creation Ilearn2 Music creation |
Ilearn2 Introduce programming
Geography History |
Spatial Sense
The Gunpowder Plot
The UK – Human and Physical Features |
Kings and Queens |
The 7 Continents
Exciting Explorers
Art and Design
Design Technology |
Art and Design Drawing and Sketchbooks Spirals: Using drawing, collage and mark-making to explore spirals. Introducing sketchbooks. |
Design Technology Structures Templates and Joining Techniques: Glove Puppets |
Art and Design Surface and Colour. Simple Printmaking: Explore simple ways to make print. Use line, shape, colour and texture to explore pattern, sequencing and symmetry. |
Design Technology Food Preparing Fruit and Vegetables: Fruit and vegetable kebabs |
Art and Design Working in Three Dimensions: Playful Making. Exploring materials and intention through a playful approach. |
Design Technology Mechanisms Wheels and Axles: Moving Toys |
PE |
Ball Skills
Target Games
Net and Wall Games
Music |
Hey You! |
Rhythm in the Way We Walk and Banana Rap |
In the Groove |
Round and Round |
Your Imagination |
Reflect, Rewind and Replay |
Created and Loved by God |
Created to Love Others Created to Live in Community |
Living in the Wider World |
Drama |
Power of Reading Text Focus |
Year 2 Overview
Learning Overview: Year 2
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Gospel Value |
Justice |
Hope |
Generosity |
Forgiveness |
Courage |
Responsibility |
British Value |
Mutual respect |
RE |
Hinduism Prayer |
Judaism Prayer |
Power of Reading
Claude in the City Alex T. Smith |
Grace and Family Mary Hoffman
Zeraffa Giraffa Dianne Hofmeyr
The Robot and the Bluebird David Lucas
Anna Hibiscus Atinuke |
Poems to Perform Atinuke |
Read Aloud Texts |
Pattans pumpkin Chitra Soundar
Luna loves art Joseph Coelho |
Luna loves dance Joseph Coelho
Sulwe Lupita Nyong’o |
Year group recommended text |
Year group recommended text |
Anna Hibiscus Atinuke
Clean up Nathan Bryon |
Anna hibiscus song Atinuke
My two granddads Floella Benjamin |
Whole Class Reading |
The day the Crayons quit
Cool as a Cucumber |
The enormous crocodile |
Yokki and the Parno Gry |
Anna Hibiscus |
The Twits |
Maths |
Numbers within 100, Addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers, Addition and subtraction word problems, Measures: Length, Graphs, Multiplication and division: 2, 5 and 10 |
Time, Fractions, Addition and subtraction of 2-digit numbers, Money, Face, shapes and patterns; lines and turns |
Numbers within 1000, Measures: Capacity and volume, Measures: Mass, Exploring calculation strategies, Multiplication and division facts for 3 and 4 times tables |
Science |
Plants |
The Uses of Everyday Materials |
Animals Including Humans
Animals Including Humans
Science Week
Living Things and Their Habitats |
Plants |
Computing |
Ilearn2 Recognise uses of IT Ilearn2 Introduction to Data Handling |
Ilearn2 Digital Art
Ilearn2 E Safety Ilearn2 Introduction to Animation
Ilearn2 Internet Research Ilearn2 Developing Programming |
Ilearn2 Programming with Scratch Jr
Ilearn2 EBook Creation |
Geography History |
Spatial Sense and A comparison between the Masai Mara and the Isle of Wight
Plague and Fire
Northern Europe
Weather in the United Kingdom
Art and Design
Design Technology |
Art and Design Drawing and Sketchbooks. Explore & Draw: Introducing the idea that artists can be collectors and explorers as they develop drawing and composition skills. |
Design Technology Structures Free standing structures: Bridges |
Art and Design Surface and Colour. Exploring the World Through Mono Print: Using a simple mono print technique to develop drawing skills, encourage experimentation and ownership
Design Technology Mechanisms Sliders and Levers: Moving Pictures |
Art and Design Working in Three Dimensions: Stick transformation Project. Explore how you can transform a familiar object into new and fun forms. |
Design Technology Food Preparing Fruit and Vegetables: Fruit Smoothies |
PE |
Team Building
Net and Wall Games
Ball skills
Music |
Hands, Feet, Heart
Ho Ho Ho |
I Wanna Play in a Band |
Zoo Time |
Friendship Song |
Reflect, Rewind and Replay |
Created and Loved by God |
Created to Love Others Created to Live in Community |
Living in the Wider World |
Drama |
Power of Reading Text Focus |
Year 3 Overview
Learning Overview: Year 3
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Gospel Value |
Justice |
Hope |
Generosity |
Forgiveness |
Courage |
Responsibility |
British Value |
Tolerance of different cultures and religions |
RE |
Sikhism Places for worship |
Judaism Places for worship |
Power of Reading/Whole Class Reading
Werewolf Club Rules Joseph Coelho
The Stone Age Boy Satoshi Kitamura
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane Kate DiCamillo |
The Tin Forest Helen Ward Wayne Anderson |
Oliver and the Seawigs Philip Reeve Sarah McIntyre |
Read Aloud Texts |
Year group recommended text |
The proudest Blue Ibtihaj Muhammad |
Year group recommended text |
Cinderella of the Nile Beverley Naidoo |
Looking after planet Earth Sona Sharma |
We sang across the sea Benjamin Zephaniah |
Maths |
Number sense and exploring calculation strategies, Place value, Graphs, Addition and subtraction, Length and perimeter |
Multiplication and division, Deriving multiplication and division facts, Time, Fractions |
Angles and shape, Measures, Securing multiplication and division, Exploring calculation strategies and place value |
Science |
Forces and Magnets |
Light |
Animals Including Humans Science Week (Inspirational Scientist study) |
Animals Including Humans |
Computing |
Ilearn2 Story boards Ilearn2 Comic Creation Ilearn2: Branching Database
Ilearn2 Digital art
Ilearn2 E-Safety Ilearn2: Music Creation
Ilearn2: Programming in Scratch
Ilearn2: Programming in Kodu Ilearn2: Document Editing and Creation
Ilearn2: 3D Design Ilearn2: Infographics
Geography History |
Spatial Sense and Settlements inc. London |
Stone Age – Bronze Age – Iron Age
Natural Disaster!
The Fascinating Egyptians
Western Europe including the Alps
Sacrifice and Ceremony: the Mayans
Art and Design
Design Technology |
Art and Design Drawing and Sketchbooks. Gestural Drawing with Charcoal: Making loose, gestural drawings with charcoal, and exploring drama and performance. |
Design Technology Textiles 2D shape to 3D shape product: Christmas Stocking |
Art and Design Surface and Colour. Working with Colour and Shape: Painting with scissors – Collage and stencil in response to looking at artwork. |
Design Technology Mechanical Systems Levers and Linkages: Moving Books |
Art and Design Working in Three Dimensions: Playful Making. Telling stories through drawing and making. Explore how artists are inspired by other art forms –sculpture inspired by literature and film. |
Design Technology Food Healthy and Varied Diet Healthy Sandwich, wrap or pitta |
PE |
Swimming |
Swimming |
Music |
Let Your Spirit Fly |
Glockenspiel Stage 1 |
Three Little Birds |
The Dragon Song |
Bringing Us Together |
Reflect, Rewind and Replay |
Created and Loved by God |
Created to Love Others Created to Live in Community |
Living in the Wider World |
Power of Reading Text Focus
MfL (Italian) |
Greetings Personal details Numbers 1-10
Alphabet Colours Christmas in Italy |
La Befana (Epiphany) Days of the week Months of the year |
Carnival Seasons The weather Easter In Italy
School supplies Parts of the body Fruit and vegetables
Farm Animals Family The house |
Year 4 Overview
Learning Overview: Year 4
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Gospel Value |
Justice |
Hope |
Generosity |
Forgiveness |
Courage |
Responsibility |
British Value |
Individual Liberty |
RE |
Sikhism Holy Books |
Judaism Holy Books |
Power of Reading/Whole Class Reading
Lion and the Unicorn Jane Ray
Mouse Bird Snake Wolf David Almond |
The Iron Man Ted Hughes |
Varjak Paw SF Said |
Noah Barleywater Runs Away John Boyne |
Poetry x 4 weeks |
Read Aloud Texts |
The boy who met a whale Nizrana Farook |
Year group recommended text |
Year group recommended text |
Year group recommended text |
Space Detectives Mark Powers |
Windrush child Benjamin Zephaniah |
Maths |
Reasoning with large numbers, Addition and subtraction, Multiplication and division, Discrete and continuous |
Securing multiplication facts, Fractions, Time, Decimals, Area and perimeter |
Solving measures and money problems, Shape and symmetry, Position and direction, Reasoning with pattern and sequences, 3-D shape |
Science |
States of Matter
Living Things and Their Habitats |
Science Week (Inspirational Scientist study) |
Animals Including Humans
Computing |
Ilearn2: Data Handling Ilearn2: Graphic Design Ilearn2: Inside a computer |
Ilearn2: Animation
Ilearn2 Internet Research Ilearn2: Video Editing Ilearn2: E-safety |
Ilearn2: 3D Design
Ilearn2 Programming in Scratch
Ilearn2 Ebook Creation
Geography History |
Spatial Sense and Water, Water Everywhere! |
Life and Legacy: The Ancient Greeks
European Traveller
The Romans: Empire and Invasion
Heston Detectives
Windrush and The Notting Hill Carnival
Art and Design
Design Technology |
Art and Design Drawing and Sketchbooks. Storytelling through drawing: Explore how artists create sequenced drawings to share and tell stories. Create accordion books or comic strips to retell poetry or prose through drawing. |
Design Technology Structures Shell Structures: Gift Boxes |
Art and Design Surface and Colour. Exploring Still Life: Explore artists working with the genre of still life, contemporary and more traditional. Create your own still life inspired work. |
Design Technology Electrical systems Simple Circuits and Switches: Night Lights |
Art and Design Working in Three Dimensions: Playful Making. Explore how the way we display our work can affect the way it is seen.
Design Technology Food Healthy and Varied Diet: Jamaican vegetable patty |
PE |
Swimming |
Swimming |
Music |
Mamma Mia |
Glockenspiel Stage 2 |
Stop! |
Lean on Me |
Blackbird |
Reflect, Rewind and replay |
Created and Loved by God |
Created to Love Others Created to Live in Community |
Living in the Wider World |
Drama |
Power of Reading Text Focus
MfL (Italian) |
Greetings and courtesy phrases Personal information The sounds in Italian |
Numbers 1-50 Colours Christmas in Italy |
La Befana (Epiphany) The date (days, months) |
Carnival The seasons The weather Easter |
School objects and classroom instructions Parts of the body Food and meals
Animals The Family members The house and furniture Holidays and landscapes
Year 5 Overview
Learning Overview: Year 5
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Gospel Value |
Justice |
Hope |
Generosity |
Forgiveness |
Courage |
Responsibility |
British Value |
Rule of Law |
RE |
Hinduism Stories: Beliefs and Festivals |
God’s Covenant
Inspirational People
Sikhism Beliefs and festivals |
Other Faiths
Life in the Risen Jesus
Power of Reading/ Whole Class Reading |
The London Eye Mystery Siobhan Dowd |
Rooftoppers Katherine Rundell |
Cosmic Frank Cottrell Boyce
Cosmic Disco Grace Nichols |
The Journey Francesca Sanna |
Read Aloud Texts |
Year group recommended text |
Planet Omar Zanib Mian |
Year group recommended text |
Tamarind and the star of Ishta Jasbinder Bilan |
The boy at the back of the class Onjali Q. Rauf |
Year group recommended text |
Maths |
Reasoning with large whole integers Integer addition and subtraction Line graphs and timetables Multiplication and division Perimeter and area |
Fractions and decimals, Angles, Fractions and percentages, Transformations |
Converting units of measure, Calculating with whole numbers and decimals, 2-D and 3-D shape, Volume, Problem solving |
Science |
Earth and Space |
Living things and Their Habitats |
Science Week (Inspirational Scientist study) |
Properties and Changes of Materials:
Animals Including Humans |
Computing |
Ilearn2 App Design Ilearn2 Operating systems
Ilearn2 Programming with Sphero Ilearn2 Computer networks + internet |
Ilearn2 E-safety Ilearn2 Ebook Creation
Ilearn2 Data Handling Ilearn2: Music Creation
Ilearn2 Programming in Scratch
Ilearn2 Text base Programming Ilearn2 Physical Devices (Microbit)
Geography History |
Spatial Sense and Contrasting Regions
Britain’s Invaders: The Scots, Anglo Saxons and Vikings |
United Kingdom Explorer
The Tudors
The Earth’s Resources
The History of Democracy
Art and Design
Design Technology |
Art and Design Drawing and Sketchbooks. Typography and Maps: Exploring how we can create typography through our drawing and design and use our skills to create personal and highly visual maps.
Design Technology Bible Stories on a map |
Art and Design Surface and Colour. Mixed media and City Scapes: Explore how artists use a variety of media to capture spirit of the place. |
Design Technology Food Celebrating Culture and Seasonality: Making bread and /or scones |
Art and Design Working in Three Dimensions: Playful Making: Set Design. Explore creating a model set for theatre or animation inspired by poetry, prose, film or music.
Design Technology Mechanical Systems: Pulleys or Gears Moving Toys |
PE |
Swimming |
Music |
Living on a Prayer
Classroom Jazz 1 |
Make You Feel My Love |
The Fresh Prince of Bel Air |
Dancing in the Street |
Reflect, Rewind and Replay |
Created and Loved by God |
Created to Love Others Created to Live in Community |
Living in the Wider World |
Drama |
Power of Reading Text Focus
MfL (Italian) |
Greetings and courtesy phrases Giving and asking personal details Italian phonology |
Numbers 1-100 The colours Christmas in Italy |
La Befana The date and time Use of school supplies
Carnival Seasons, Weather and clothes Daily routines Easter in Italy |
Parts of the body and actions The family (possessives) The house and actions
Food and meals (preferences and tastes) At the restaurant Sports |
Year 6 Overview
Learning Overview: Year 6
Learning Overview: Year 6
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Gospel Value |
Justice |
Hope |
Generosity |
Forgiveness |
Courage |
Responsibility |
British Value |
Democracy |
RE |
Sikhism Belonging and values |
Judaism Belonging and values |
Power of Reading/ Whole Class Reading |
Shackleton’s Journey William Grill
Street Child Berlie Doherty
Stay Where You Are… John Boyne |
Alma Literacy Shed
Pig Heart Boy Mallory Blackman |
Read Aloud Texts |
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe C.S. Lewis
The Lion Above the Door Qnjali Q.Rauf |
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas John Boyne |
Maths |
Number – Place Value, Calculations, Fractions Geometry – Position and Direction |
Number – Decimals, Percentages, Algebra, Ratio Measurement – Converting Units, Perimeter, Area and Volume |
Geometry – Shape Problem Solving, Investigations Statistics |
Science |
Living Things and their Habitats |
Science Week (Inspirational Scientist study) |
Animals Including Humans |
Evolution and Inheritance |
Computing |
Ilearn2 Computers: Past, Present and Future Ilearn Data Detectives Ilearn2 Binary code |
Ilearn2 Web Design
Ilearn E-safety Ilearn2 Image Editing Ilearn2 Graphic Design |
Ilearn2 Virtual reality Ilearn2 Machine learning and AI |
Ilearn2 Programming in Scratch
Ilearn2 Python Programming language Ilearn2 HTML
Geography History |
North and South America
The Victorians: Society and Innovation
Remembrance: 1914-1918
SATs Preparation
Managing Money (Life Skills) Social Media: Friend or Foe? (Life Skills) |
Events That Have Shaped Our World: 1939 – 2001 |
Art and Design
Design Technology |
Art and Design Drawing and Sketchbooks. 2D Drawing to 3D Making: Explore how 2D drawings can be transformed to 3D objects. Work towards a sculptural outcome or a graphic design outcome.
Design Technology Electrical systems Monitoring and Control: Alarms |
Art and Design Surface and Colour. Activism: Explore how artists use their skills to speak on behalf of communities. Make art about things you care about. |
Design Technology Structures Frame Structures: Shelters |
Art and Design Working in Three Dimensions: Playful Making. Brave Colour: Exploring how artists use light, form and colour to create immersive environments. |
Design Technology Food Celebrating Culture and Seasonality: Seasonal snacks for school event |
PE |
Swimming |
Music |
Happy |
Classroom Jazz 2 |
A New Year Carol |
You’ve Got a Friend |
Music and Me |
Reflect, Rewind and Replay |
Created and Loved by God |
Created to Love Others Created to Live in Community
Living in the Wider World |
Drama |
Power of Reading Text Focus |
MfL (Italian) |
Greetings, personal details, Nationalities Difficult sounds in Italian
Numbers to 1000 Colours as adjectives Christmas In Italy |
La Befana School subjects and actions Parts of the body (singular/plural etc) |
Carnival The date, the Weather, seasons, clothes Easter in Italy |
The family (adjectives) The house (Gender and number) Physical description
Food and Meals (food Pyramid, Recipes) Daily routine, sports and free time Holidays and activities |
21st Century World; 2st Century Learners