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The Rosary Catholic Primary School

Art and Design


Our aim at The Rosary Catholic Primary school is to develop pupils’ art, design and craft abilities. Pupils are given opportunities to develop their use, knowledge and understanding of spoken and practical Art & Design within a broad and balanced curriculum.

 Art and Design is integral to our pupils’ creativity; it is a mentally beneficial, positive part of their learning experience. 

 By the time pupils leave The Rosary, they will have mastered a range of skills that will support their future development. These are –

  • To have a sense of curiosity and enjoyment by providing opportunities to investigate, study and revisit multiple disciplines. They are encouraged to discover more about artists and makers studied and link their findings to their own learning.
  • To experience Cultural Capital in a variety of different forms by exposing pupils to a wide range of processes, artists and makers; experience days and visitors. Pupils will also develop links between art and their Catholic and wider cultural and spiritual beliefs.
  • To be resilient, independent and self-motivated by participating in class discussions and presentations where they are able to express themselves and boost their confidence and self-esteem. Pupils are free to learn in an environment where they are unafraid to take risks creatively, by testing materials and processes and learning from their mistakes.
  • To ask questions and to problem solve by planning lessons that are built around curiosity. Pupils are encouraged to ask questions and explore briefs by considering and selecting the most appropriate materials.
  • To be global citizens of the twenty first century pupils are given plenty of opportunities to research and learn about significant individuals. Learning is also structured to enable pupils to make links between art and other areas of the curriculum they are studying simultaneously.  Pupils are given opportunities to discuss links between world events and art, challenges faced in the world and how technology influences art today.

 We want to inspire creativity, develop curiosity and a passion for art in our pupils by the time they leave our school.


We teach Art and Design during alternate half terms with Design and Technology.

 We use the Access Art programme as we believe that this provides a range of disciplines and artists that motivate and inspire children. Teachers demonstrate high quality modelling within each Art lesson and encourage pupils to use key artistic vocabulary.  Opportunities are planned for children to use knowledge from other subjects within Art and vice versa.

Pupils contribute to the class discussion by sharing their ideas. This is the time when pupils are given the opportunity to discuss, verbalise and refine ideas before committing to final outcomes.


We measure the impact of computing curriculum in the following ways:

  • In-Class Feedback

We understand that feedback is linked to progress and has to be timely to make an impact. In class feedback is used to support teacher’s workload, as well as to ensure that it is as immediate and timely and specific as possible, leaving the teacher time to focus on individual identified needs. Sharing work and ideas within class is championed and pupils are encouraged to be able to constructively criticise and act on peer feedback using the ‘What Went Well’ and ‘Even Better If’ sentence stems.

  • Corrective Teaching/Summative Assessment

Skills practice is essential in Art and Design. Teachers adapt their planning to ensure there is time to address misconceptions. It may be addressed in the next lesson, by a Teaching Assistant or in small groups during the lesson.

  • Pre Teaching/Pre Assessment

All teachers must be aware of the pupils’ prior attainment; sketchbooks follow each pupil throughout the years.  We analyse previous learning and plan according to individual needs and cohorts.

  • Formal Assessment Cycle
    • o Termly sketchbook monitoring

We also aim to ensure that our pupils are proud of their work and have opportunity to see it on display, shared with others in the school and with their families.

We aim to ensure that as pupils move on from us to further their education and learning, that their curiosity, creativity and passion for Art and Design will continue to grow.

21st Century World; 21st Century Learners